Extensive studies conducted over 35 years found ultrasound has not been shown to cause any harm to mother or baby. Routine scanning of all pregnancies is normal throughout the United States. These routine scans would be considered highly irresponsible if there was even a small risk to mother or baby. In 3D/4D scanning, exactly the same type and intensity of ultrasound is used as with conventional 2D scanning; all of these types of scans utilize sound waves to look inside the body. We adhere to the AIUM (American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine) guidelines where is states that ultrasound is safe but scan time and exposure time should be limited to 30 minutes. The technology is similar to radar. A probe placed on the body emits sound waves into the body, listens for the return echo and generates an image. 4D ultrasound is similar to a conventional scan in terms of sound exposure.